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Intro to Architecture

Korean Architecture

European Architecture

Urban and Site Planning

Korean Modern and
Contemporary Architecture

Cultural Context

Intro to Urbanization

Asian Architecture

Modern and Contemporary Architecture

Environment and
Landscape Architecture

Major Requirements

Major Electives



Foundation Pratice

Media Studio 1


First Year

Design Studio 1-2


Introduction of Structure

Practical Skills

Media Studio 2

Media Studio 3

Media Studio 4

Thesis Seminar

Design Studio 1-8

Mechanics of Sturcture

Environment and Sustainability 1

Structure System

Technical Studio 1

Structure Design

Environment and Sustainability 2

Technical Studio 2

Materials and Constructing Method

Intro to Building Code and Documentation

Construction and Management

Architectural Practice and Management

Major Requirements


Foundation Practice

Provides and Introduction to art and architecture to explore ways to see art in architecture, methods in architecture, and reflect the work upon completion


First Year Design Studio 1-2

As a basic course on architectural design, conducts analysis and fundamentals in the architectural environment which consist of nature, urban, and architecture, and completes an assignment project where students present are evaluated on during the course.

Design Studio 1-8

Conducts a joint project among students in year 2 to 5 for architectural design. The projects cover various topics such as urban architecture, interior and exterior designs, and landscape designs, which focuses on developing a solution. Each Studio covers certain areas with lectures, seminars by experts, site visits, and experiments.

Intro to Architecture

Space being another expression of architecture, the course provides ways to reflect the space in architecture, by studying the history of space, the evolution of perception of space and technology, in order to express new forms of art. Lectures include a seminar with an invited speaker, architects from in and outside of the country.

Introduction to Structure

Provides an Introduction to the structure of architecture, the concept, and property of different elements in building materials. Conducts experiments and validation of designs using different materials and case studies of real-world examples. 

Intro to Urbanization

By addressing the fundamental issues in an urban setting, provides an overview of the history of urbanization and new and latest developments in urbanization. Lectures include a seminar with an invited speaker, architect from in and outside the country

Construction and Management

Focuses on understanding the physical and chemical property of construction materials, by examining the texture and property with actual samples. Explores new ways of construction site and the work process.

Environment and Sustainability 1-2

Provides an overview of building equipment, with lectures from experts in sound equipment and exposure to equipment completion in theater or music halls. Explores the methods to compute reverberation and other factors in an actual building.

Major Electives

Media Studio

Explores the future of architecture by analyzing the existing and new developments in media.

Urban and Site Planning

Explores the organic nature of elements in site planning in an urban setting, to understand factors to consider and practice the actual planning methods, thereby increasing the knowledge of modern housing.

Environment and Landscape Architecture

Provides an introduction to landscape architecture to increase knowledge on “landscape based aesthetics” and promotes “Atelier d’art plastique nourri d’une esthétique du paysage”, connecting fundamentals of aesthetics and sociology principles.

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