The Department of Architecture moved to its current location in the Seokgwan campus after the supplementary construction was completed in 2007. The new work-space integrates the studios that were previously separated, and lecture rooms were renovated in a way that settled technical problems with effective use of the space.
The facilities of the department of Architecture can be divided into basic department facilities and department support facilities.
Basic Department Facilities
Lecture Room / 213-215
Lecture rooms are where history and theory, and technical study courses are given. For these classes, visual arts related material and equipment are borrowed from the department office. The lecture rooms hold up to 40 students.
Multi-functional AV Room / 213
The AV room is equipped with a large pull-down screen and audio equipments and can hold the all students of the department. Its use is flexible, being used for both classes and formal events such as workshops or lectures.
Design Studio / 216-217
Design Studio has individual work-spaces for students of the department. Roughly four students share one space with basic furniture provided by the school including desks, lockers, drawing boards and cabinets. It is also open 24 hours with easy access to other work-spaces without restriction.
Tutorial Rooms / 217-1~8
Tutorial Rooms are allocated for each design studio and are opened 24 hours for small pin-ups and one-to-one tutorials or group tutorials for the design course.
Professor’s Office / 207, 208, 209, 210-1, 210-3, 210-4, 218
Offices for the staff members are used by the staff members to prepare for teaching and to continue with their research.
Dept. of Architecture Office / 210
In the department, two department assistants work from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays. They set up formal processes for running the department including admissions, administrations and preparations for classes, and act as a bridge between the school, the staff and the students.
RIBA . KAAB Office / 217-C
In the RIBA and KAAB labs, two department assistants work from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays. The RIBA lab in concerned with formal processes for RIBA validation procedure such as preparations for external examination held at the end of every year, the re-validation in 5-year cycle, and budget for the examinations. The KAAB lab is concerned with all formal processes for KAAB validation procedure such as annual reports, re-validation in 5-year cycle, and department archives.
Computer Lab / 211
The computer lab is open to the department for any computer-aided work and courses such as CAD and 3D of the communications studies. It is regularly open from 9 am to 6 pm on weekdays and is open 24 hours when a written application is to be submitted. There are six workstations, 16 personal computers, four plotters, three printers (two laser and one 3D printer) and three scanners. The internet and the university’s intranet is accessible; and up-to-date architecture and design related software is installed. The CAD room materials and equipment are upgraded every year.
Photo Studio / 212
This is a place for photographing students’ works. Basic equipment such as lights and screens are set-up for use. The students can borrow equipment from the school or use their own.
Architecture Library in Art library and Information center / M401-2
As of May 2013, the library has a collection of about 166,173 books and 100,000 non-book materials including videos, DVDs, musical scores, and CDs, and e-resources including e-books, music scores, slides, and serial publications. There are more than 5,000 architecture books and architecture magazines.
Gallery of the Department of Architecture / 2nd floor hallway of the Visual School of Arts
Gallery of the Department of Architecture was recently completed. The gallery is located in the second floor hallway of the office and seminar rooms of the Department of Architecture. Its goal is to encourage students to develop their creativity as well as practical skills.
Department Support Facilities
Architecture library of the art collections and archives
The architecture library has been open since April 2009 within the art library and information center in the Seokgwan campus. Since then, the department moved the archives that had been within the department office to the library. The archive includes various architecture magazines and books collected from the donations from department staff. UA reviews lists department publications and books which are published by the school and are kept and utilized. In the spring of 2004, as a part of the arts education project by the 1997 Kim Su Geun Culture Foundation, the department of architecture acquired materials from Seoul architecture schools. They include 1,400 architecture related books, 400 special lectures from domestic and foreign artists and professors, and 70 video tapes.
Supportive Equipment
The School of Visual Arts provides various professional workspaces to support students’ work. (Most are available from managers)
Operating hours
9 am to 6 pm (apply to relevant engineers or assistants)
In the building of the School of Visual Arts
Photography lab (121, 334), Darkroom (120), Laminating room (122), Photo developing room (123), Hologram lab (124), Lithograph lab (132), Copper